Thursday, July 31, 2014

Don't have standards: It's easier that way.

Yes, I said it... Life is so much easier when you don't have standards.  You don't have to worry about anything.. you can just live life to the fullest. That's what everyone wants, right?


Too whom much is given, much is required. Almost everything we encounter has standards, that must be upheld for the greater good.

-Your car must meet the standards of inspection, in order to be eligible for the road.
-You must uphold a standard gpa in school, in order to be eligible for grade promotion.
-You must uphold a standard of behavior in public places, as to not be banned indefinately or asked to leave temporarily.

I could go on and on... but why does everything have a standard, except for who we date?

Why is it that one of the most important decisions in life you'll ever make - who you'll spend the rest of your life with, who will parent your children, who will represent you when your not around - is put on the back burner?

Why is it that our standards for love run along the lines of.. How does he/she look? Where does he/she work? What does he/she drive? Where does he/she live? -- now let's be clear, everyone wants someone that they are attracted to, someone who can spoil them and shower them with "just thinking about you" gifts, someone that can walk into a room and make everyone else jealous... but not you, because it's all yours. Yea, that's cute..but is that all?

Question's you might have forgotten about:
How is their temper? How about their soul? How did they grow up and how do their childhood experiences affect who they are today? Do they have children? If so, what kind of parent are they? ... Would you be happy to have them as the parent of your child if it didn't work out?  How do they talk about the opposite sex to you? If you make them mad, will they then talk about you like they talked about the others? What are their goals? Do they align with yours? Are you strong enough to help them meet those goals. Are you upgrading, or downgrading because you are lonely? How many red flags have you ignored, because it's just small things? (100 pennies make a dollar) - let it marinate.

I never realized how shallow I could be, until I really wanted serious companionship. I never realized what I would go through to get it, either.

Standards, rules and laws are put in place so that chaos will not outweigh order.

Having no standards is easier than having to date strategically and with purpose. But at what expense? Letting men and women run a muck in your life is stressful... When you set the bar high, those who don't meet it will soon fall by the wayside. And those who do, which should be very few, will have no problem working for the prize...YOU!

#getrealmovement #dontbebamboozled

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