Friday, April 18, 2014

Can someone install my shower rod?

    Mimi Faust Love and Hip Hop Atlanta Reality Star.. Has released the trailer to her sex tape, "Scandal in Atlanta" How impressive! There was a method behind her madness.. Of course, with the new season of Love and Hip Hop airing soon, you didn't think this was just a coincidence? Did you? Although my personal views of Mimi are not, and never have been, very good ones.. Those views are not the brunt of my frustration. It's US.. Yes US!

   Now I'm sure with the way this is going, one would think that I am about to defend Mimi, but I am not. I whole heartedly disagree with everything she's done, from the beginning of Love and Hip Hop and she has yet to surprise me.

The problem is that all these people, on social media are saying, "Mimi is grown, she can do what she wants!" .. "It's Mimi's child, why are you worried about it?" ...Now while these comments, and others like them, are true. It's still does not make what she did right.

Well, why do you say that Chelsi? - I'll tell you!

   -Everyday, from those same people who give statement like the ones above, I see a status about the girl, with children, who clubs 6 out of 7 days per week. I see a status about the girl who's a stripper and why would she want her kids to look up to that? I see a status about the dead beats of your communities. I see a status about how only God can judge me (which is so untrue, but that's a whole other blog) I see a status about tax money and how one should spend THEIR money, but no one wants to give a financial lesson any other time of the year.
Daily and displayed publicly, I see all these issues we have with people we know and people that we can "bully".. But praise goes to Mimi, because she's grown? Ok.

Love and Hip Hop is full of money hungry men and women who are ultimately broke, either because they've spent it, or because they really never had a lot of money, but because it's more than us "average folk" may have, then it accounts for something. Men who get paternity test on their children that their wives have birthed, but are in a hot tub with not one, not two, not three but FOUR women. Men who don't pay their child support. Women who are prostitutes, turned strippers, turned pop artist, turned faithful wife (anything is possible) Women with fake butts and boobs, women who have yet to wear their real hair, men who cheat and lie (did I say that already?) Women who would rather fight like stray dogs than to be real women and handle situations like only real women can and are supposed to. Popping bottles, throwing money, throwing drinks.
-and they somehow find a way to make it all look glamorous.

Even people who don't know what real glamour is, just want to be glamorous. To them, Love and Hip Hop, that's glamorous, that's prosperous. 
    Look at the way you dress.. YES YOU! You didn't just come up with that. You were inspired by something, you did not coin and put a patent on the outfit you are currently wearing.

    I feel for all our young women who don't know their worth, or the worth of their children, or the worth of a good man. That was me, once upon a time, and in many aspects I'm still working.

--Glamour- the exciting or attractive quality that makes people, or things, seem appealing or special--

-Glamour is those two jobs you work to make sure you have what you need and want.
-Glamour is school that you are working so hard to be done with.
-Glamour is your child or children being raised in a safe enviorment that they can grow and flourish in!
-Glamour is the man that loves you unconditionally.
-Glamour are those friends that will tell you the truth, even when you don't want to hear it.
-Glamour is this the thing that to the outside looks unattainable, but you wear it so well.

-Glamour is the man that will come over, put up your shower rod, and NOT ask you to hang from it when he's done...

-Glamour is showing the next women her worth, not throwing yours at her!

Will I be watching Love and Hip Hop Atlanta? Of course! That's my show.   And although I'm very disappointed in Mimi Faust.. I'm more disappointed in us and how we treat each other. Power is attainable, success is attainable, love is attainable... For EVERYONE that wants it.. GET IT TOGETHER!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Single Mom Diary...

When I wake up in the morning, I can only imagine it going like this....

-I wake up looking like Beyonce just before she hits the stage....Flawless.  I gaze into the huge rock on my ring finger and thank God for this life. I roll over to my honey, the father of my child, kiss him gently on the cheek and whisper, "Rise and shine sunshine!" He obliges my request and our day begins. As he's getting our little one ready for school, daddy daughter time, I'm in the kitchen whipping up a southern home style breakfast for my family to enjoy. We pray, we feast. He heads to "The Office" and I tend to "school duty," Carpooling and PTA board meeting before heading to My office. Throughout the day we send sweet messages and "WOW, flowers!" I am so... 
--OK OK.. In a perfect world!

Single Parent - single parent is a parent, not living with a spouse or partner, who has most of the day-to-day responsibilities in raising the child or children. A singleparent is usually considered the primary caregiver, meaning the parent the children have residency with the majority of the time.

I just wanted to set the record straight, a single parent is not JUST a parent whom doesn't have contact with the other parent, it is a parent who is not WITH the other parent. The father/mother does not have to be a "deadbeat" in order for you you be considered a single parent. This post is for single mothers and FATHERS!

- Now that that's cleared up...
As a single mother, you never get the perks of the girlfriend or the friends.. Unless he's trying to get back with you. So when the father of your child resorts to date another woman, you tend to compare yourself to that woman. Whether you think you're the better woman or you think she's the better woman.. You still compare.
--And this is where the resentment comes in...

When you need something like; "my car won't start, can you come scrape the ice off my windshield, I need you to put together the baby's bike..." Here, you have all these birds to kill, and no stones. 
Because if you ask, then of course people assume that you want to be with the father... They never assume that you just need the shelf put up, or the bookshelf put together. You walk on eggshells daily, as to not offend the "significant" other. But things have to get done, so you do them.  My grandparents,  have both been divorced and remarried, however, the relationships between the four of them are amazing to view. Friends! Out to dinner, let's talk about life,   We can sit beside each other at graduations and weddings. Our generation... We're not mature enough for that.

Now, I am strongly against single mothers/fathers breaking up happy or unhappy homes, whatever you sow, that you will also reap.. I do however believe in Mothers/Father's being responsible enough to take care of the home they created, then left.

It's so easy for one to hold down a residence, that only they reside in, or maybe have a roommate. It's easy for one to spend money that they do or don't have, because their responsibilities are limited.

 But it's hard to hold down a residence for two or more, alone. I was asked if I would be willing to have a roommate to help cover the cost of living..  NOPE, not with my child in the house, you never know people these days. If they're not a good fit for your children, they shouldn't be in your life. I was talking to a young man at work yesterday, who is married with two children and he says, "parents work around their children and their babysitters schedules." I had to "LOL," because that is so true! Moving on, it's not that it's hard to say no to those extra hours offered at work, you have to say no, because you probably don't have a sitter. It's hard to keep track of you and your kids doctor and dentist appointments. It's hard figuring out THE PERFECT school because they all never seem good enough for your child. It's hard going home at night and laying there with your baby while someone else is cuddled up to the third of what you thought was your threesome.

Life comes at you fast, and this is not a complaint, it's just LIFE. I admire all single mothers and fathers who make it a point to keep pushing past the issues you're facing.

I've come to find out that if I wasn't strong enough for it, I wouldn't have been given the task. The only concern I have at this point is, "The girlfriend and the friends, are they being good examples when they're around my child.." Nothing more, Nothing Less! That's what happens when you get to the "Been There, Done That, Done With That!" Stage.

We are quick to place blame on what isn't done and never give enouragement,  we never take into consideration that raising children may just be hard. It's easy, when you're not in the shoes of the condemned person, to make assumptions. It's easy to say what you would do, if it were you. It's easy to give advice, with no children. It's easy to have a boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife that you love and loves you back, and to then speak negatively of the single parent who can't easily bounce back from a failed relationship, with a child involved. It's easy for friends to say, "if you need me call me," and never be there, because you really don't have to. It's easy to become upset with me because I can never go on a date with you.. I'm sorry, I have much bigger fish to fry. It's easy to talk instead of pray...

Single Parents.. If you didn't have a ring, the family you claim was NEVER yours to begin with. Be the very best parent you can be, starting today!! And things will fall into place. FINISH SCHOOL, START YOUR BUSINESS, BE FREE OF ALL YOUR INHIBITIONS... Having a child is a PLUS, not a minus!! How strong are you? You'll NEVER wake up like Beyonce... EVER! Let It Go, Move On, and be thankful for what you do have.